Learn to Swim with Portsmouth Northsea


We offer a not for profit, learn to swim programme for children of 3 to 12 years, keeping Portsmouth children fit, healthy and safe.

We operate within the Portsmouth Northsea Swimming Club umbrella and therefore all swimmers will have the opportunity to progress through a seamless pathway from learning to swim to performance. We also have squads for those who choose to continue swimming for enjoyment and fitness, therefore, there is no pressure to take the competitive route if it is not for you.

Portsmouth Northsea Learn to Swim program follows the National Plan for Teaching Swimming and is delivered by fully qualified teachers and coaches.

All lessons are delivered with fun and follows 10 stages of swimming, with certificates and badges to ensure children are rewarded for developing new skills. The programme delivers a multi-skill approach to swimming which gives children all the skills required to follow any of the aquatic disciplines, including competitive swimming, synchronised swimming, waterpolo or lifesaving.

Swimming lessons are held at a variety of times and locations, providing a flexible and easy to manage schedule for you and your child.